Organic Solutions for a Home Free of Pests

Chickens: Keeping chickens can help reduce insect populations in your yard.
8. Neem Oil:
Usage: Neem oil is a natural pesticide that can be sprayed on plants to deter pests.
9. Soap and Water:
Insecticidal Soap: Use a mixture of water and mild dish soap to spray on plants and surfaces to kill soft-bodied insects like aphids and spider mites.
10. Baking Soda:
Roach Control: Mix equal parts of baking soda and sugar and place it in areas where you see roaches. The sugar attracts them, and the baking soda kills them.
11. Borax:
Ant and Roach Deterrent: Mix borax with sugar and place it where pests are active. Borax is toxic to many insects.
12. Cedarwood:
Repellent: Use cedarwood chips, blocks, or oil to repel moths, roaches, and other pests.
By incorporating these organic solutions, you can create a pest-free home environment without resorting to harmful chemicals.

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