carb Dessert Blintz

Someone put this up yesterday and I thought that looks really good! So I tried it today. And the lady was right, it’s a game changer! It taste like you just went to the bakery! Not kidding! It is definitely a must try. I fried it in avocado oil. My husband absolutely loved it as well! I actually did one tortilla a tablespoon of cream cheese and a tablespoon of the sugar-free strawberry preserves and then just folded in half. if you want something, this would be a lifesaver!

Keto low-carb Dessert Blintz

Absolutely D-freaking-licious

1.) Get your low carb wrap
2.) Spread your cream cheese on your wrap (no judgement on the thickness of your layer )
3.) Spread some low sugar or suger free preserves on
4.) Wrap it up and fry on both sides in coconut oil until toasty brown.
The outside of the wrap literally turns to a flaky pastry. It was SO good!!

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